Latest version.
  • No public building, street, boulevard, parkway, park, playground, bridge, tunnel, or part thereof, shall be constructed or authorized to be constructed in the municipality, nor shall any street, avenue, parkway, boulevard, alley, or part thereof, be widened, narrowed, relocated, vacated, or its use changed, or any ordinance or resolution pertaining to the above matters be passed unless and until the action proposed to be adopted shall have been submitted to the Planning Commission for report and recommendation.

    Upon receipt of any referral under this Charter the Planning Commission shall request the Department of Planning and Urban Development to transmit its recommendations concerning said referral. The Planning Commission shall upon taking action thereon submit its recommendations and those of the Department of Planning and Urban Development to the Council. The Council may, upon any matter so referred, require the Planning Commission and the Department of Planning and Urban Development to report their recommendations within sixty (60) days from the said date of request, unless a longer time be allowed by Council. If the Planning Commission shall fail to act within the time aforesaid, it shall be deemed to have approved such matter.

(V 95 p 100; Approved by voters Nov. 8, 1966) (Amendment adopted by electorate 11-4-80; Amendment adopted by electorate 11-6-90)