Latest version.
  • Within thirty (30) days after this section becomes effective there shall be established a Board of Zoning Appeals, which shall be constituted and shall have jurisdiction as hereinafter provided. The members of the now existing Board of Zoning Appeals shall retain their membership for the terms for which such members were appointed.

    There shall be a Board of Zoning Appeals composed of five members appointed by the Mayor by and with the consent of Council for a term of five years each. One member shall be a registered architect, one member shall be a general contractor, and one member shall be a person engaged in the real estate business. The Mayor may remove any member for cause, and vacancies shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired term. The officers of the Board shall be elected annually by its members. Separate provisions shall be made in the budget for the expenditures of the Board, and such expenditures shall not be included within the budget provided for the Planning Commission. The Planning Staff shall furnish the necessary technical advice and services required by the Board.


    Jurisdiction. It shall be the duty of the Board to hear and decide appeals made for exceptions to and variations in the application of ordinances governing zoning in the City of Akron in conformity with the purposes and intent thereof and to hear and decide all appeals made for the exceptions to and variations in the application of ordinances or orders or regulations of administrative officials or agencies.


    Meetings. The attendance of three members shall be necessary for a quorum, and the concurrence of at least three members required for action. The Board shall keep minutes of the proceedings showing the vote of each member upon every question.

(V 95 p 100; Approved by Nov. 8, 1966)