The Director of Law shall be an attorney at law, admitted to practice in the State of Ohio. He shall be the legal advisor of, and attorney and counsel for the City and for all officers and departments thereof, in matters relating to their official duties. He shall be the prosecuting attorney in Municipal Court and shall prosecute and defend all suits for or in behalf of the City and shall prepare all contracts, bonds, and other instruments in writing in which the City is concerned and shall endorse on each his approval of the form and correctness thereof. He shall give written opinions to any official or department of the City, or to the Council, within a reasonable length of time when requested in writing to do so. He shall codify the ordinances immediately upon the taking effect of this Charter and at least once every five years thereafter.
(V 95 p 93; Approved by voters Nov. 8, 1966) (Amendment adopted by electorate 11-6-90)