Latest version.
  • The Council may provide by ordinance for the appointment of a Commissioner of Public Utilities, who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The Council shall empower said commissioner to employ such clerical, engineering or other assistance as may be necessary. The duties of such officer in addition to any others which Council may prescribe, shall include the following: to keep a record of all franchises, renewals and extensions granted by the City; to make, whenever necessary, physical valuation of the plants and equipment of all public utilities except municipally owned utilities and to keep continuous records of all additions or extensions to such plants and equipment of said utilities, whether operating under a franchise or otherwise; to make continuous note of the character of service and equipment of all public utilities operating in the City except municipally owned utilities, and to make reports and recommendations thereon to the Council; provided, however, the said Commissioner of Public Utilities may investigate the accounts, records, operations and service of municipally owned utilities when specifically requested to make such investigation by the Mayor, and in such event shall transmit his findings to the Mayor; to hear and investigate complaints concerning said public utilities, and report thereon to the Council; to represent the City in hearings before the State Public Utilities Commission; and to submit to the Council or any other city department upon request such reports, advice, suggestions or recommendations in connection with public utilities as will conduce to the public welfare.

(Amendment adopted by electorate 11-4-80; Amendment adopted by electorate 11-6-90)