Latest version.
  • In the event of the annexation of the corporate territory of any separate municipality to the City of Akron, the territory so annexed shall become a part of one or more of the existing wards of the City of Akron, or constitute one or more separate wards in addition to the number then existing, as may be set forth and determined in the report of the Commission to arrange terms of the annexation, and wards changed or created pursuant to the terms and conditions of this section shall exist under all the terms and conditions of the Charter of the City of Akron as if in existence as wards of said City at the time of the adoption of said Charter, and shall be subject to the conditions and provisions thereof.

    If, by the annexation to the City of Akron, of the corporate territory of a separate municipality, the number of wards into which the City of Akron is divided shall be increased, the number of members of the Council shall be increased by the same number, and a Ward Councilman be chosen from each ward. Upon any such annexation becoming effective, a Ward Councilman for any additional ward thereby created shall be chosen, in such manner as may be provided by the terms of annexation, to serve until the next regular election of Councilmen, or if no method be provided there or by the terms of annexation, then a Ward Councilman shall be chosen for each such new or additional ward in the manner provided by the Charter of the City of Akron for filling a vacancy in the office of Ward Councilman.

(V 33 p 116; Approved by voters Nov. 6, 1928)