Latest version.
  • Every ordinance or resolution, upon its final passage and approval, shall be authenticated by the Clerk of Council and recorded in a permanent record kept for that purpose. All ordinances or resolutions shall be in effect from and after thirty days from the date of their passage, except as otherwise provided in this Charter. A summary of ordinances of a general nature or providing for public improvements shall upon passage, be published once within ten (10) days after final passage. Ordinances, proclamations, notices, advertisements for bids, and other matters required by this Charter or by law to be published shall be published in one (1) daily English newspaper published and of general circulation in the City, except as otherwise herein provided. And publication of said matters shall be made for the following number of times: Notices of sale of bonds and notices required by law in reference to the proceedings relating to improvements to be paid in part by special assessments, at least one (1) time; advertisements for bids for work, and advertisements for sale or lease of real estate or for sale of personal property, once a week for not less than two (2) nor more than four (4) consecutive weeks; proclamations of elections, such number of times as is provided by law; and all other matters, once. For the publication of such ordinances, proclamations, notices, advertisements for bids, and other matters referred to herein no newspaper shall be paid any higher price than its maximum bona fide commercial rate. This section shall not be construed to prohibit the use of microfilm, photocopy or any other reasonable method of recording said ordinances and resolutions passed provided that a true copy of the original is kept in another building in the municipality.

(Amendment adopted by electorate 11-4-80; Amendment adopted by electorate 11-6-90)