§ 60. DIRECTORS.  

Latest version.
  • At the head of each department there shall be a director. Each director shall be appointed by the Mayor, except the Director of Health who shall be appointed by the Health Commission. Each director shall serve until removed by the appointing authority, or until his successor has been appointed and has qualified. He shall conduct the affairs of his department in accordance with the rules and regulations made by the Mayor, or in the case of the Director of Health, by the Health Commission, and shall be responsible for the conduct of the officers and employees of his department, for the performance of its business, and for the custody and preservation of the books, records, papers and property under its control. Subject to the supervision and control of the Mayor in all matters, except the Director of Health, who shall be subject to the supervision and control of the Health Commission, the director of each department shall manage his department.

(Amendment adopted by electorate 11-4-80)