§ 111.152. Self-service machines—Installation and operation.  

Latest version.
  • A.


    Only the front or customer side of the self-service dry cleaning machines shall be exposed in the customer area. The working or maintenance portion of the machines shall be separated from the customer side by a solid partition. There shall be a minimum flow rate of air from the customer area through the partition as follows:

    Number of Machines Minimum Flow Rate Per Machine (cubic feet per minute (cfm))
    1—3 500
    4—8 400
    9—16 375
    17—or more 360


    (Example: An eight-machine installation requires a minimum continuous exhaust flow rate of three thousand two hundred cfm.)


    The exhaust ventilation stated above shall be provided on a continuous basis during such time as the establishment is in operation. The fan wiring shall be such that the self-service dry cleaning equipment cannot be operated unless the fan system is in operation.


    In the event that grille openings are installed in the partition to facilitate air movement, they shall be sized on the basis of five hundred cfm per square foot of net grille area, and shall be placed as close to the machines as possible.


    Access doors to the maintenance area shall be kept locked.


    A general ventilation fan shall be installed in the maintenance area to be used in case of major solvent leakage. This fan may be installed in the rear building wall, and, when combined with the system required by subsection A of this section, shall enable the exhaust of a minimum of one thousand cfm per machine.


    Self-service dry cleaning equipment shall be provided with an exhaust system capable of maintaining a minimum of one hundred feet per minute face velocity through the loading door whenever the door is open. A scavenger duct shall be provided for each two machines for the purpose of removing vapors surrounding the machines at floor level. The suction of these scavenger pipes shall be located two to four inches above the floor. The duct work connections of this system shall be sealed (soldered or taped) and the discharge stack shall extend to a height not less than five feet above the roof line and shall be not less than twenty-five feet from any building opening.


    A satisfactory means of preventing liquid leaks from escaping the enclosure shall be provided. There shall be provided a satisfactory method of diking the floor of the enclosure or machine base to hold a liquid volume equal to the maximum quantity of solvent held in the machinery system, and a satisfactory means of draining solvent so collected by gravity flow to a standby or holding tank, which tank shall be vented to the outside.


    An interlock system shall be provided on each machine to prevent the loading door from opening during the normal cycle. This system may be either electrical or mechanical and shall be connected so that in the event of a power failure the machine fails safely.


    A step-by-step instruction list shall be posted in a conspicuous location near the machine for customer use. A qualified attendant shall be present at all times when the establishment is in operation.


    The machine design shall be such that essentially no solvent is retained in the cleaned items upon completion of the dry cleaning cycle. Solvent vapor not exceeding fifty ppm after thirty minutes in a one hundred sixty cubic foot vaportight enclosure at seventy-two degrees Fahrenheit containing sixteen pounds of newly cleaned clothing consisting of fifty percent heavy garments and fifty percent light garments shall be acceptable.


    It shall be the responsibility of the owner or operator of a self-service dry cleaning establishment to make certain that material which cannot be properly cleaned and dried will not be placed in the machines.


    Each self-service dry cleaning machine shall be checked daily and kept in good repair. All maintenance personnel shall be familiar with necessary machine repairs and solvent hazards.


    No solvent odor shall be permitted to exist in the customer area.


    No solvent, other than that specified by the equipment manufacturer, shall be used. Spotting operations with flammable liquids are prohibited. Spotting operations with toxic liquids shall be permitted only in areas with ventilation adequate to prevent vapors from reaching the face of the customer, and spotting equipment shall be fixed in such area. No customer shall bring spotting solvent for use within the establishment.


    A supply of tempered (heated to sixty degrees or sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit) make-up air to or greater than the total volume of air exhausted from the establishment shall be provided.


    Air contaminated by solvent in any concentration shall be kept out of the air intakes of all combustion or dryer equipment.


    Manufacturers of self-service dry cleaning machines shall provide the Department of Public Health with detailed installation and maintenance manuals. Penalty, see § 111.999.

(Ord. 648-1961)