§ 111.231. Storage—Yard lines.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No multiple dwelling, or the lot or premises thereto, shall be used for the storage or handling of rags or junk.


    In any residence district, as established by the zoning code, any junk yard, wrecked motor vehicle yard, or used building materials yard shall maintain an open, unoccupied space ten feet in width on each side of any lot or plat of ground used for the storage or handling of such materials. Unless within a fireproof building, on each such ten-foot setback side line, a solid board fence as provided in §111.234, must be constructed. No junk, wrecked motor vehicle, used building materials, or similar salvage material shall be stored in such an enclosure to a greater height than the height of such fences.


    In any junk yard, wrecked motor vehicle yard, or used building materials yard in any residence district, any other provision of law notwithstanding, the rear yard and the front yard as established by the building line of any such junk yard, wrecked motor vehicle yard, or used building materials yard, shall be as provided in the zoning code, but in no event less than ten feet. Upon this rear yard line (ten feet or more inside of the rear property line) and upon the building line a solid board fence shall be built in the same manner and to the same standards as provided in §111.234. Penalty, see §111.999.

(Ord. 100-1956)