§ 111.340. Definition.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article the following definition shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

    "Itinerant retailer." A person or agent of a person who offers for sale, barter, or exchange anything of value at any place in, upon, along, or through any street, alley, or other public place, or on private property. The term "itinerant retailer" does not include an owner or operator of a business located in a building or structure being used for a commercial or retail purpose, nor to such owner or operator's activities adjacent to or abutting such building or structure when items sold on property adjacent to or abutting a commercial building or structure are the primary type of goods offered for sale inside that commercial building or structure. The term "itinerant retailer" shall not include persons peddling goods door to door.

    "Trailer" means any enclosed vehicle or structure designed for the conduct of any business, profession, occupation or trade, or for use as a selling or advertising device that is or may be mounted on wheels and used as a conveyance on highways or streets by its own or other motive power.

(Ord. 557-1997; Ord. 214-1993; Ord. 867-1985; Ord. 318-1983)