§ 111.630. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter:


    " Cultivator " means a person, as defined in this section, that grows, harvests, packages, and/or transports medical marijuana as authorized by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " Dispensary " means a person, as defined in this section, that sells medical marijuana as authorized by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " License Clerk " for the purposes of Article 38, means the Mayor or his/her designee.


    " Local operating license " means a license issued by the City of Akron to a medical marijuana entity. A medical marijuana entity may not operate within the City of Akron without a valid local operating license.


    " Local provisional license " means a temporary license issued by the City of Akron to a medical marijuana entity that establishes conditions that must be met by the medical marijuana entity before a certificate of operation is issued to it.


    " Marijuana " means marijuana as defined by Section 3719.01 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " Medical marijuana " means marijuana that is cultivated, processed, dispensed, tested, possessed, or used for a medical purpose.


    " Medical marijuana entity " means a medical marijuana cultivator, processor, dispensary, or testing laboratory as authorized by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " Person " means any natural or corporate person, business association or other business entity, including but not limited to a firm, corporation, limited liability company, partnership, joint venture, sole proprietorship, or any other legal entity.


    " Processor " means a person, as defined in this section, that manufactures medical marijuana products as authorized by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " Testing Laboratory " means a person, as defined in this section, that conducts medical and scientific research on marijuana as authorized by Chapter 3796 of the Ohio Revised Code.


    " Prohibited facility " means a school, church, public library, public playground, or public park.


    " Valid " means not expired, suspended, or revoked.

(Ord. 134-2017)