§ 111.148. Ordering improper conditions to be remedied.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Notice and Order to Comply. Upon determination of the director that a donation box has been placed or is being maintained in violation of this chapter, the department of neighborhood assistance shall issue a notice of the violating conditions and a written order to correct or remove the conditions within five (5) business days of mailing or posting, whichever is first, (a "notice and order to comply" or "order"). The notice and order to comply shall be posted on the donation box and served upon the following interested parties, by personal service or certified mail:


    The owner of the property, at the address provided in the most recent donation box license application or at the address where the summit county fiscal office mails the tax bill for the property; and


    Any lessee of the property, at the property; and


    The owner of the donation box, at the address provided in the most recent donation box application; or if no application has been filed regarding the donation box to any address shown on the exterior box; and


    Any licensed operator of the donation box, at the address provided in the most recent donation box application.


    Emergency Order. Whenever the director finds that a violation of this chapter constitutes an emergency, which requires immediate action to protect the public health, safety or welfare or to prevent imminent property damage or injury, the director may, without notice, issue an order to comply stating the existence of such an emergency and requiring that such immediate action be taken as he/she deems necessary to abate or remedy the emergency condition. Any person to whom the order is directed shall comply therewith immediately. Additionally, the director may immediately take any action that he/she deems necessary to abate or remedy the emergency condition.

(Ord. 93-2015)