§ 111.060. Definitions.  

Latest version.
  • For the purpose of this article the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.

    "Agent," "solicitor," or "runner." Any person other than a licensed professional bondsmen, who solicits or seeks business for a professional bondsman.

    "Bond." Any form of bail, undertaking, obligation, recognizance, or agreement, filed or to be filed in the Municipal Court of the City, Criminal Division, conditioned upon the appearance in the Court of any person charged in the Court with any offense.

    "Bondsman." Includes every person, firm, or corporation, other than the person accused in the Court, who advances, forwards, or deposits currency or coin for any cash bond or who executes or is a party to any bond.

    "Cash bond." Includes any bond for the performance of which United States currency or coin is deposited with the Clerk of the Municipal Court.

    "Compensation." Any emolument, fee, commission, salary, gift, loan, entertainment, or other thing of value paid, donated, given, offered, or promised in connection with providing or furnishing, or offering to provide or furnish, a bond.

    "Conducting or engaging in the business of professional bondsman." One or more acts for compensation for becoming surety upon, or providing or furnishing, or offering to provide or furnish, a bond.

    "Corporate surety." A corporation duly authorized to engage in the business of a surety company in the state.

    "Firm." Two or more persons acting as a partnership or as an association or any unincorporated group of persons acting jointly under any title whatsoever.

    "Person." Any individual person.

    "Professional bondsman." Any person, firm, or member of a firm, who, for compensation, conducts or engages in the business of becoming surety upon, or providing or furnishing, or offering to provide or furnish, any bonds. However, nothing herein contained shall apply to any corporate surety or to the representatives or attorneys in fact of any corporate surety, except that any representative or attorney in fact of a corporate surety who provides or furnishes, or offers to provide or furnish, a bond, executed by a corporate surety for a compensation in excess of, or other than, that charged by such surety company, shall be deemed a "professional bondsman."

(Ord. 1117-1964)