§ 150.10. General maintenance.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Foundation, Floor, Wall, Ceiling, Roof, Chimney, Window, Door, and Premises.


    Every foundation, floor, wall, ceiling, roof, and eave shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight, and rodent-proof and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair.


    All downspouts and gutters shall be properly installed in an approved manner and kept in sound working condition and good repair.


    Every window, door, and basement hatchway shall be reasonably weathertight, watertight and rodent-proof, shall be capable of affording privacy and security, and shall be kept in sound working condition and good repair.


    All exterior surfaces of buildings on a premises shall be clean and maintained in good repair so as to provide sufficient covering and protection of the structural surface underneath against deterioration, with paint, stucco, aluminum, vinyl siding or other approved exterior grade waterproofing materials, applied in an approved manner, and of a uniform color and appearance to match or complement the other structural surfaces on the premises. Without limiting the generality of this section, an exterior surface of a building shall be deemed to be out of repair if the surface is blistered, cracked, flaked, scaled, or chalked away, or is loose or has fallen.


    Every chimney, antenna and all parts thereof, both exterior and interior, shall be properly installed and maintained in a safe condition and in good repair.


    Every fence, retaining wall, walkway, sidewalk and driveway shall be properly installed, maintained in a safe condition and in good repair.


    The premises shall be free from hazards and conditions which might create a nuisance.


    Stairs and Porches. Every inside and outside stair, every porch, and every appurtenance thereto shall be kept in sound condition and good repair. Handrails shall be required for any stairway containing more than four risers.


    Plumbing Pipes. Every plumbing fixture and water and waste pipe shall be maintained in good sanitary working condition, free from defects, leaks, and obstructions.


    Kitchen and Bathroom Floors. Every kitchen floor surface, water closet compartment floor surface and bathroom floor surface shall be constructed and maintained so as to be reasonably impervious to water and so as to permit the floor to be easily kept in a clean and sanitary condition.


    Functioning of Equipment. Every supplied facility, piece of equipment, or utility required under the provisions of this chapter shall be installed in an approved manner and shall be maintained in satisfactory working condition. Penalty, see § 150.99.

    (Ord. 708-1997; Ord. 769-1996; Ord. 205-1988; Ord. 730-1986; Ord. 893-1985; Ord. 113-1972)

(Ord. 291-2013)