§ 150.18. Condemnation placard.  

Latest version.
  • The Housing Inspector shall place a notice on all condemned dwellings or premises by placing a placard thereon, or in a location which is readily noticeable, reading as follows:


     This building is unfit for human habitation or use and has been condemned by order of the Director of Neighborhood Assistance of the City of Akron. All persons are herewith warned to stay away from this building, except those who are employed to repair or raze the same in accordance with the notice which has been given the owner of this building and all other persons having an interest in said premises as shown by the land records of the Summit County Recorder's Office. It is unlawful for any person to remove this sign without written permission from the Director of Neighborhood Assistance of the City of Akron.

    (Ord. 708-1997; Ord. 769-1996; Ord. 113-1972)

(Ord. 14-2010; Ord. 210-2012)