§ 150.40. Rental unit mandatory inspection required.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The owner or operator of a premises with a rental unit shall have the interior and exterior of the premises, its structures and its rental units inspected semi-annually, for a minimum of four years, to determine compliance with the Health, Safety and Sanitation Code, Litter Code, Housing Code, and Zoning Code, under the following circumstances:


    If two or more notices and orders to comply have been issued to the owner or operator pursuant to Section 150.03 or Section 150.031 of this chapter, within any two-year period, concerning the same premises, and have not been complied within the time provided in the notices and orders to comply, the premises that was the subject of the notices and orders to comply shall be subject to semi-annual mandatory inspections as specified in this section;


    If the owner or operator has been convicted of a violation of this chapter, all premises and structures with a rental unit that the owner owns or that the operator operates shall be subject to semi-annual mandatory inspections as specified in this section; and


    If the owner or operator has had a premises ordered razed by the Housing Appeals Board pursuant to Section 150.051 of this chapter, all premises and structures with a rental unit that the owner owns or that the operator operates shall be subject to semi-annual mandatory inspections as specified in this section.


    A notice and order to comply that is outstanding on or after December 22, 1996, or that is issued subsequent to November 22, 1996, may constitute an uncomplied notice and order to comply for purposes of enforcement of the semi-annual mandatory inspections required by subsection (A)(1) of this section.


    A conviction that was obtained on or after November 22, 1995 shall constitute a conviction for purposes of enforcement of the semi-annual mandatory inspections required by subsection (A)(2) of this section.


    A raze order that the Board issued on or after November 22, 1996 shall constitute a raze order for purposes of enforcement of the semi-annual mandatory inspections required by subsection (A)(3) of this section.


    No owner or operator of a premises with a rental unit shall fail to obtain a rental unit mandatory inspection from the Department of Neighborhood Assistance when the provisions of this section require a rental unit mandatory inspection.


    A rental unit semi-annual mandatory inspection fee, per rental unit, which shall include the first two inspections semi-annually, shall be imposed as follows:


    A fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars for a premises with one rental unit;


    A fee of one hundred seventy-five dollars for a premises with two rental units;


    A fee of two hundred twenty-five dollars for a premises with three rental units;


    A fee of two hundred fifty dollars for a premises with four rental units; and


    A fee of two hundred sixty-five dollars for the first rental unit on a premises with five or more rental units, and a fee of fifteen dollars per rental unit for each additional rental unit on the premises.


    A rental unit mandatory inspection re-inspection fee, per rental unit, for each re-inspection semi-annually subsequent to the first two inspections semi-annually, per rental unit, shall be imposed in the amount of fifty dollars.


    If a person, occupant, operator, owner or purchaser fails, neglects or refuses to pay a rental unit inspection or re-inspection fee required by subsections (F) or (G) of this section within the time ordered pursuant to Section 150.03 of this chapter, then the Director of Neighborhood Assistance shall so notify the Director of Finance. The Director of Finance shall certify the administrative fee to the County Auditor. In addition to the administrative fee, an interest rate equal to the current rate of interest charged by the City on special assessments shall be imposed by the City for the life of the administrative fee, added to the administrative fee, and collected as provided in this section. The Director of Finance shall then certify the amount of the administrative fee, including interest, to the County Auditor. The County Auditor shall enter the amount on the tax duplicate of the county as a special assessment against the person's real estate at issue.


    Money collected under this section shall be used exclusively for Neighborhood Assistance including the Housing Division.

    (Ord. 708-1997; Ord. 769-1996)

(Ord. 14-2010; Ord. 380-2011; Ord. 210-2012)