§ 151.18. Trees.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The allotter shall furnish plans prepared by a qualified landscape architect showing location, spacing, size, variety, and other pertinent data concerning street trees. Also, the allotter shall install them in an approved manner in conformity with the approved plan. Such plans and installation shall be done with the approval and cooperation of the City Landscape Architect.


    The allotter is also required to furnish a bond and agreement with the City covering the purchase, installation, and maintenance, through three growing seasons, of such trees, to assure compliance. Release of the bond shall be contingent on final inspection and acceptance by the City Landscape Architect not more than ten days before the end of the three-year period and following written notice to the Director of Planning and Urban Renewal requesting inspection. At the time of inspection all trees shall be in a thriving and uniform condition.


    The amount of bonds to assure installation shall be fifty dollars per tree. The minimum bond shall be one thousand dollars. An inspection fee of $.50 per tree is to be paid by the allotter before effective allotment approval.


    Suggested varieties are as follows:

    Scientific Name Common Name
    acer platanoldes and varieties Norway maple
    acer saccharum and varieties sugar maple
    acer pseudoplatanus and varieties sycamore maple
    aesculus glabra buckeye
    aesculus carnea brolti ruby red horse-chestnut
    carpinus betulus and varieties European hornbeam
    carpinus caroliniana hornbeam
    celtis sinensis Chinese hackberry
    celtis occidentalis hackberry
    ginkgo biloba maidenhair tree
    ostrya virginiana American hop hornbeam
    tilia cordata European linden




    The use of the following trees within or adjacent to public streets is prohibited:

    Scientific Name Common Name
    acer dasycarpum silver maple
    acer negundo ash leaved maple
    ailanthus glandulosa tree of heaven
    populus poplar
    salix willow



    Others not listed under subsection D of this section are not considered suitable varieties and may only be permitted under exceptional conditions.


    When trees are planted in the space between the sidewalk and the curb and the distance between building lines is less than seventy-five feet, it is advised that trees with an ultimate height of less than forty feet be used.


    No tree should be planted which is less than one and one-half inches in diameter one foot above the ground. Lowest branches should be not less than seven and one-half feet and no more than nine and one-half feet above the ground.


    Trees should not be planted closer than forty feet to each other. No tree should be planted closer than twenty-five feet to the squared sidewalk corner of a street intersection; preferably this distance should be fifty feet.


    Present and probable future approaches to dwellings and garages should be considered in location of trees.


    Best results will be obtained if planting is done during the months of April, May, October, or November. Where conditions or type of soil are unfavorable to plant growth, a volume of not less than two cubic yards of good soil should be placed around the roots.


    Trees should be mulched and artificially watered at least during the first two years after planting. Watering may be accomplished by means of tile drain leading from the surface at the tree roots. No irrigation vents in curbing shall be permitted.


    It is urged that attractive tree guards be used for protection against mutilation and other injury and that trees be guyed until well rooted. Penalty, see § 151.99.

(Ord. 578-l969; Ord. 843-l963)