§ 152.04. Board of Investigators—Powers and duties.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    A Board of Investigators consisting of the Director of Health, the Fire Chief, the Chief of Police, the Superintendent of Building Inspection and Regulation, and the Director of Planning and Urban Development is created, with the Director of Health as chairman. The chairman shall, with the approval of the members of such Board, appoint a secretary for the Board from among the present employees of the city.


    The Board of Investigators shall enforce all provisions of this chapter. For the purpose of securing such enforcement, any member of the Board, or its duly authorized representative, shall have the right and is authorized to enter on any premises on which any automobile trailers are located, or are about to be located, and inspect the same and all facilities connected therewith at any reasonable time. The Board is further authorized to issue orders granting, renewing, and revoking such permits and licenses as are provided for in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

(Ord. 1035-1959)