§ 152.05. License required—Renewal—Application—Fee.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    No person shall establish, operate, or maintain, or permit to be established, operated, or maintained, on any property owned or controlled by him, a trailer park within the City without first obtaining a license therefor from the Board of Investigators in compliance with the provisions of this chapter. Such licenses shall expire one year from the date of issuance but may be renewed for additional periods of one year.


    The application for the license or any renewal thereof shall be filed with the chairman of the Board of Investigators and such application shall be accompanied with a fee of one dollar for each unit in the existing or proposed trailer park. The application for a license or a renewal thereof shall be made on forms furnished by the Board and shall include the name and address of the owner in fee of the tract and such a legal description of the premises on which the trailer park is or will be located as will readily identify and definitely locate the premises. If the fee is vested in some person other than the applicant, a sworn statement by the fee owner that the applicant is authorized by him to construct or maintain the trailer park and make the application shall be furnished. Penalty, see § 152.99.

(Ord. 1035-1959)