§ 152.14. Site plan.  

Latest version.
  • Each project has its own topography and other individual factors which should be analyzed and recognized in its site plan. Provision should be made for facilities and amenities to meet the needs of the occupants. The site shall be safe, sanitary, and comfortable for use under all weather conditions.


    Type of Site Plan. The gridiron layout shall not be approved if an alternative is possible.


    Location Generally. Every trailer park shall be located on a well-drained area and the premises shall be properly graded so as to prevent the accumulation of surface waters.


    Arrangement of Buildings and Facilities.


    The site, including the trailer foundations, patios, facilities, buildings, and all park improvements, shall be efficiently related to topography and the shape of the park area with full regard for use and appearance. Favorable views, existing trees, and other desirable site features, including orientation to sun and wind, shall be utilized to full advantage. Adverse influence from adjoining streets and areas and undesirable off-site views shall be adequately eliminated or controlled. All site improvements shall conform to City standard details and specifications for pavement, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, sanitary and storm sewers, and other site improvements.


    The site shall provide adequate open area for privacy, natural light, and ventilation for each trailer and sufficient open area for outdoor uses, such as a laundry drying yard, a patio and space for car parking and gardening. Minimum lot size shall be three thousand square feet. Trailer space of two hundred square feet shall be reserved for play and recreation. A maximum of ten trailer lots per acre shall be permitted after deducting street areas. Open space shall be provided as twenty percent of the total trailer park area.


    Yards shall be provided for adequate privacy, natural light and air, and convenient access to the unit and to provide an area around each unit for use of yard spaces. Between each trailer lot line and trailer, the following unoccupied space shall be maintained: ten feet on the front, the rear, and the side opposite the patio and twenty feet on the patio side of the trailer.


    Yard Lighting. All grounds within a trailer park shall be lighted at night to an intensity of not less than one foot-candle of artificial light. Such illumination shall be designed and located so that the light sources are shielded from adjoining residential districts and the occupants of the trailers.


    Patios. Patios are required for necessary outdoor living space. A minimum of one hundred eighty square feet of hard-surfaced patio space, such as concrete, black top, or flagstone, shall be provided for each trailer site.


    Streets. Streets shall be provided where required for traffic ways and access to trailer sites and other facilities on the property. Streets on the property shall be retained and maintained as private streets. A major street is one in which parking is permitted on both sides. A collector street is one in which parking is permitted on one side only. A minor street is one in which no parking is permitted. All entrance and major streets shall be paved a minimum of twenty-six feet wide. All collector streets shall be paved a minimum of twenty-two feet wide. All minor streets shall be paved a minimum of eighteen feet wide. Minor streets designed to move traffic in one direction only may be nine feet wide. All pavements and surfacing other than cement or concrete shall be protected by curbs and gutters to prevent disintegration at the edge.


    Parking Space. Car parking spaces shall be provided at the rate of one car space for each trailer lot plus an additional car space for each four lots. A minimum of one hundred eighty square feet shall be provided for each parking space which should be about nine feet by twenty feet or larger. Parking spaces shall be located on or convenient to trailer home lots. One car space should be located on each lot and the balance located in adjacent parking bays.


    Walks. Walks shall be durable and provide for safe, convenient, and all-season pedestrian circulation. Public walks shall be four feet wide. Trailer walks (from the public walk to the patio) shall be three feet wide.


    Drainage. Drainage, consisting of paved gutters, drain lines, and drain inlets, shall be provided for collection and disposal of surface and subsurface water for the entire trailer park.


    Screening and Barriers. Fences, walls, and other structures shall be provided for screening and barrier purposes. A barrier is any structure or planting which terminates movement, either physical or visual or both. All barriers shall be installed a minimum of two feet from the edge of streets, driveways, parking spaces, and walks. All barriers and screens shall be constructed to endure weather, soil conditions, and use.


    Lawn. Lawns or other ground cover shall be provided where needed to prevent erosion of slopes and swales and also to make yards usable by occupants and visitors.


    Trees, Shrubs, and Other Planting. A buffer strip of planting shall be established around the perimeter of each trailer park. This buffer strip shall be a minimum of ten feet in width. If a greater building line than ten feet exists under the Zoning Code, such buffer strip shall be as wide as the building line requires. Deciduous or evergreen planting shall be installed to screen objectionable views of nonresidential uses, traffic movement, and rear yards of bordering properties from the occupant of each trailer unit. Trees shall be provided to reduce reflected glare and supply summer shade. Other planting shall be sufficient in quantity and size to furnish an attractive setting for the trailer homes and to give privacy for living units.


    Toilets and Service Buildings. The park shall be laid out so that no unit shall be located farther than two hundred feet from the toilets and service buildings provided for in Section 152.16.


    Electric Service Outlet. Every trailer unit shall be furnished with an electric service outlet. Such outlet shall be equipped with an externally operated switch or fuse of not less than thirty amperes capacity and a heavy duty outlet receptacle and must conform to the electrical regulations of the Building Code.


    Sign. Each trailer park may be designated by a sign, placed in back of the building line, which has the approval of the Board of Zoning Appeals. If the sign is illuminated, it shall be so illuminated as not to shine lights directly into the street, trailers or neighboring property. Penalty, see § 152.99.

(Ord. 1035-1959)