§ 153.402. Organization and meetings.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    The Board of Zoning Appeals shall annually elect a chairman and vice-chairman from its members. The Mayor shall designate an employee of the City to serve as secretary of the Board without extra compensation. The planning staff shall furnish the necessary technical advice and services required by the Board. The Board shall adopt such rules and regulations as it may deem necessary to carry into effect the provisions of this Zoning Code.


    All meetings of the Board shall be public and shall be held at such times as may be necessary. The attendance of three members shall be necessary for a quorum. The Board shall keep minutes of its proceedings, showing the vote of each member on every question. If a member is absent, or fails to vote, the minutes shall indicate such fact. All records of the Board shall be filed in the office of the Board and be available for public inspection.

(Prior code § 153.011; Ord. 322-1976)