§ 153.409. Additional jurisdiction of board—Applications.  

Latest version.
  • The Board may, on application in a specific case, and subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards, authorize the issuance of a permit for the following:


    The handling and use of liquefied petroleum gases as an accessory use in any district (after approval by the Superintendent of Building Inspection and the Fire Chief), where no safety hazard to neighboring property will result;


    The construction of a structure beyond the building line along the side of a corner lot in a residence district where such building line is back from the street line a greater distance than ten percent of the average width of the lot and where such variance is necessary to permit the appropriate improvement of the lot;


    The storage, distribution, and refilling of portable containers of oxygen gases in a Class U4 District (after approval by the Superintendent and Fire Chief); and


    Location of a projecting sign over public property in accordance with Section 153.350(A).


    Location of illuminated sign in a Class U1 or U2 District for legal nondwelling uses.


    The placement of signs that do not conform to the size limitations of Section 153.360(E) within Downtown where design concept, viewing distance, use of lighting, colors, symbols, and letter outweighs strict adherence to restrictions by size.


    Parking lots in Downtown for five cars or less consistent with Section 153.310(M).

    (Prior code § 153.016; Ord. 359-1986; Ord. 358-1986; Ord. 511-1977; Ord. 322-1976)

(Ord. No. 221-2011, § 7, 7-11-11)