§ 153.516. Class UPD-1 and UPD-1A districts.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted uses in the Class UPD-1 District.


    All uses listed in Sections 153.240(A), 153.270(A)(1) and (2), and 153.280(A)(1) and (2); and


    Apartment house, condominium housing, and housing for the elderly, as provided in the article on Conditional Uses at Sections 153.460 et seq.


    Permitted uses in the Class UPD-1A district.


    All uses listed in Section 153.240(A); and


    Apartment house, condominium housing, and housing for the elderly, as provided in the article on Conditional Uses at Sections 153.460 et seq.


    Development conditions. The following conditions apply to development in the UPD-1 and UPD-1A Districts:


    All uses listed in Section 153.240 shall be developed, modified, or expanded as if they were zoned as U1, H1, A2 District classification, except as herein provided.


    Other uses shall be developed, modified, or expanded as if they were zoned as a U3, H2, A3 District classification, except as herein provided.


    Any new development of a building site with frontage on the east side of Brittain Road shall include the deeding of a fifteen-foot strip of land along the entire Brittain Road frontage for street widening. Any new development of a building site with frontage on the west side of Brittain Road shall include the deeding of a twenty-foot strip of land along its entire Brittain Road frontage for street widening. This deed shall be granted at no cost to the City prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.


    Direct access to Brittain Road shall not be permitted for all new development. All new development shall include construction of a service road as shown on plans filed in the Bureau of Engineering and identified as Standard Drawing A9220. Each new development shall complete enough additional length of the service road, including intersections, to connect it with a specified entrance-exit point. On completion, or at any time thereafter, the service road shall be dedicated to the city, at no cost to the city, whenever deemed necessary to the public interest. In addition, vehicular ingress to and egress from new development on Brittain Road south of Alphada Avenue and Elton Avenue shall be limited to right turns only; vehicular access to or egress from the Class UPD-1A District shall be prohibited from or to Yorkshire Terrace.


    All new development shall be served with sewers as required by the Bureau of Engineering and identified as Standard Drawing A9220. Each new development shall construct, at no cost to the city, enough of the required storm and sanitary sewers to serve it.


    The grade of property outside of the City shall not be changed to bring additional storm water into the City storm sewerage system.


    The Brittain Road building line shall be fifty feet or eighty feet from the centerline. All other building setbacks shall be as indicated elsewhere in this Zoning Code.


    All exterior signs shall be approved by the planning staff as to number, type, size, and location.


    All exterior utility services shall be installed underground and be adequately marked for safety.


    Any projections above the roof line of the structures, except parapets and chimneys, shall be adequately screened from view.


    The required landscape planting plan of the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Sections 153.285 et seq., if required, shall cover the entire building site. Parking shall not, however, extend beyond any building line.


    Flags, pennants, and other distracting devices shall be prohibited except when authorized by specific legislation. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.121; Ord. 107-1987; Ord. 322-1976)