§ 153.519. Class UPD-4 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    There is hereby established a Unified Planned Development District Number 4: which is described as follows: Bounded on the south by Wooster Avenue; on the west by McTaggart Drive; on the north by Diagonal Road; on the east by the interstate I-77 off ramp to Wooster Avenue.


    Within the area designated in subsection A of this section, UPD No. 4, the uses listed below, with certain limitations as stipulated shall be exclusive.


    Permitted Land Uses. The following uses and accessory uses thereto shall be permitted except that no retail sales shall be permitted:


    Research laboratory (no explosives)


    Beverage container-redistribution center


    Utility facilities


    Clothing storage


    Cold storage plant


    Cotton and cotton produce storage


    Dry good storage




    Frozen food storage and wholesalers


    Groceries storage


    Machine shop


    Tobacco storage


    Wholesale products storage


    New car dealership


    Any other similar uses as may be determined under Section 153.404(I).


    Building Setbacks. On Wooster Avenue there shall be a minimum building line at fifty feet. On the east side of McTaggart Drive there shall be a minimum building line of twenty-five feet.


    Building Height. The maximum building height shall not exceed fifty feet.



    Parking Criteria. Off-street parking spaces shall be provided behind the building lines and shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:

    Building Use Parking Spaces Required Per Gross Floor Area Excluding Basements
    Manufacturing, wholesaling 1 space per 1000 sq. ft.
    Warehousing 1 space per 5000 sq. ft.
    Offices 1 space per 200 sq. ft.
    Laboratories 1 space per 200 sq. ft.



    In no case shall there be less than one off-street parking space for each two full-time employees on the maximum working shift, and adequate off-street parking space shall be provided for early arrivals on changing shifts.




    Off-street loading facilities shall be provided in accordance with the following schedule:

    Building Gross Floor Area Excluding Basements Berths Required
    5,001 to 30,000 sq. ft. 1
    30,001 to 80,000 sq. ft. 2
    80,001 to 150,000 sq. ft. 3
    Each additional 90,000 sq. ft. 1 additional



    The minimum size of every required loading berth shall be sixty feet in depth by twelve feet in width. The minimum height of each enclosed berth shall be a minimum of fourteen feet. Off-street loading berths shall be provided in such a manner as to eliminate interference with public use of sidewalks, streets, or alleys, by vehicles loading or unloading. All parking loading areas shall be paved.


    Land Coverage. Land coverage by structures shall not exceed fifty-five percent of the lot area.


    Utility Connections. All connections, leads, and exterior portions of or connection to public utilities (gas, electric, telephone, television) shall be installed underground by the developer of any parcel of land. All transformer boxes, gas meters, and other utility appurtenances shall be located so as not to be visible and shall be screened by planting or building materials at locations not hazardous to the public.


    Yard Area. Between buildings and adjoining property lines, there shall be a minimum side yard and rear yard of twelve feet. Such yard area shall be kept free of material and other obstructions at all times. There shall be no outside storage.




    There shall be no U4 use or construction within two hundred fifty feet of McTaggart Drive or Redbush Road, except on that part of Redbush Road between Cordova Avenue and the West Expressway—fifty feet.


    There shall be only one access road permitted from Wooster Avenue. It shall have a minimum width of sixty feet, shall be improved to City standards and shall be dedicated.


    There shall be no commercial traffic or additional curb cuts permitted on McTaggart Drive and Diagonal Road.


    All buildings, open spaces, parking areas, and layouts shall be approved by the appropriate City departments.


    The developer of each parcel of land shall take into consideration the development of the total area.


    All improvements shall be paid for by the developer and no charge shall be made for access by the residents in the area.


    In the event that McTaggart Drive, Stimson Street, or Redbush Road shall be used as a detour by the City or by any developer, the street so used shall be improved and maintained.


    Outside storage shall not be permitted.


    That a landscape planting and fencing plan which conforms to the "Akron Development Guide" as referred to in Sections 153.300 through 153.310 be submitted to the Department of Planning and Urban Development for its review of compliance with said guide; and that the landscaping and fencing be installed and maintained as shown on the approved plan.


    Service Driveway. That the driveway servicing drive properties fronting on the east side of McTaggart must use a common access drive shared with 1557 Wooster Avenue as described by Ord. 901-1988.


    Within the area of Area 22, UPD No. 4, the existing zoning use, height, and area classifications are repealed as follows: The U1, H1, A1 District Classification and the existing building lines on Wooster Avenue, McTaggart Drive, Diagonal Road, Redbush Road, Himelright Boulevard, and Cordova Avenue.

(Prior code § 153.124; Ord. 591-1990; Ord. 107-1987; Ord. 227-1970)