§ 153.528. Class UPD-9 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    For the UPD-9 District, the following definitions shall apply:


    "Condominium housing." A multiple-family dwelling in which each dwelling unit is owned by the occupant or the occupant's lessor, but in which the common halls, entrances, drives, and underlying lands are owned jointly by the owners of all dwelling units. For the purposes of this Zoning Code, all regulations applying to a two-family dwelling shall also apply to a two-unit condominium. Likewise, all regulations applying to an apartment house shall also apply to a condominium of three units or more.


    "Midrise." A residential building of more than one story, with individual dwelling units located above or below other dwelling units.


    "Townhouse." A residential dwelling with one or more stories, but in no case shall a dwelling unit be above or below another dwelling unit. An outside or end "townhouse" dwelling unit shall be attached to only one other dwelling unit; an inside "townhouse" dwelling unit shall be attached by side walls only to two other dwelling units.


    Permitted or prohibited uses in the UPD-9 District are subdivided and permitted as follows:


    Single-family dwelling.


    Two-family dwelling, including zero lot line homes.


    Townhouse condominium housing.


    Midrise condominium housing.


    Country club facilities and its associated accessory uses including a golf course.


    No other uses shall be permitted in the UPD-9 District.


    Accessory uses. Accessory uses in the UPD-9 District for subsections (B)(1) through (4) of this section shall be permitted and prohibited as provided in Sections 153.260 and 153.265 of the code of ordinances. Any further expansions of nonconforming uses shall be considered conditional uses, subject to the review and approval of the City Planning Commission and City Council.


    Development conditions shall be as follows:


    Density Permitted.


    The maximum density of single-family dwellings shall be three dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of two-family dwellings shall be six dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of townhouse condominium housing shall be nine dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of midrise condominium housing shall be fifteen dwelling units per acre.


    A total of one thousand six hundred residential units will be permitted in UPD-9, of which no more than twenty-five percent may be midrise condominium housing.


    Maximum heights of all buildings listed in subsections (B)(1), (2), and (3) of this section shall be thirty-five feet.


    Building lines shall be a minimum of seventy-five feet from the street right-of-way.


    All utility services shall be installed underground and their locations suitably marked for safety.


    All condominium housing and two-family dwellings shall comply with the development standards of Sections 153.300 and 153.305.


    Site plan review will be required for (B)(1) through (4) by the Department of Planning and Urban Development and the Planning Commission with approval by City Council.

(Prior code § 153.129; Ord. 107-1987; Ord. 104-1987)