§ 153.530. Class UPD-11 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted Uses in the UPD-11 District:


    All uses listed in Section 153.245(A)(2) and (3), Apartment House District, Class U2.


    All uses listed in Section 153.270(A)(1) and (2), Limited Business District, Class ULB.


    All uses listed in Section 153.280(A)(1) and (2), (B)(2), (3), (4) and (5), Retail Business District, Class U3.


    All uses listed in Section 153.285, Commercial Use District, Class U4.


    Prohibited Uses in the UPD-11 District:


    No other uses shall be permitted in the UPD-11 District.


    Accessory uses in the UPD-11 shall be permitted if accessory use is customarily incident to a Class UPD-11 use.


    Height Requirements. The maximum height of a structure in UPD-11 District shall be fifty feet to the south of 1-76 and seventy-five feet to the north of I-76.


    Development Conditions. Area regulations, yards, parking, and other development requirements in the UPD-11 District shall be as provided in the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Sections 153.300 et seq. When the provisions of this Code conflict with provisions of the Eastgate Urban Renewal Plan, the provision of the Renewal Plan shall apply. Development conditions more specific to the UPD-11 District are as follows:


    Building Setback:


    The minimum building setback shall conform to Section 153.330(D).


    Parking Facilities:


    The design, layout and access to off-street parking shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    All parking and service areas shall be paved and have concrete curbing according to Bureau of Engineering Standards.


    The minimum setback for parking lots from a public street is five feet.


    Parking lots must be screened from all abutting public streets by:


    A 2.5 foot high solid masonry or stone wall located at the street right-of-way line (plain concrete block is not permitted) or:


    A three-foot high decorative metal tube or solid metal bar fence located at the street right-of-way line; or


    A minimum five-foot wide landscaped area between the parking lot and the right-of-way. The landscaped area must be planted with a double staggered row of shrubs thirty inches in height and one deciduous shade tree per thirty feet of frontage. Trees and shrubs must be maintained in good condition; dead material must be replaced within one year.


    Drive-Thru Uses: Drive-thru pickup windows and coverings are prohibited on building frontages and may be attached to the rear or side of the principle structure.


    Outdoor Advertising Displays: The regulations found in Section 153.385 et seq. "Outdoor Advertising" of the Zoning Code apply to all billboard signage in the Eastgate Urban Renewal Area.


    On-Premises Exterior Signs: The regulations found in Section 153.345 et seq. "On Premises Signs" of the Akron Zoning Code apply to all exterior signage in the Eastgate Urban Renewal Area.


    Building Materials: All materials shall be subject to approval by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    Roof-top Screening: All roof-mounted mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view to the height of the equipment. The design, colors and materials used in screening shall be architecturally compatible with the aesthetic character of the building and subject to the approval of the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    On-Site Trash Storage: On-site trash receptacles shall be stored in an enclosure. The enclosure shall be constructed of materials which complement the materials used on the principal building and be located so as not to be intrusive to the neighboring uses.


    Access: The Traffic Engineer shall approve vehicular ingress and egress to buildings and parking areas. Common vehicular ingress and egress points are encouraged for retail and residential development.


    Exterior Lighting: All public exterior areas shall be well lit in a manner suitable for the intended use. Lighting should be adequate for the intended use, but should be sited and of such a nature as not be intrusive to the adjacent properties.


    Storm Water Management: Proposals for new development shall include a storm water management plan to control the run-off, siltation and sedimentation during construction and to control the run-off after the development is completed. The plan is to be consistent with all the requirements of Section 192.101—114 of the Code of Ordinances and is to be subject to the approval of the Bureau of Engineering and submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits. Special attention is to be given to maintaining the water quality of the Little Cuyahoga River and the Springfield Lake Outlet.


    Nonconforming structures and uses are subject to Section 153.390 of the Zoning Code of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Akron.

    (Ord. 373-2007)

(Ord. 65-2013)