§ 153.538. Class UPD-15 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted and Prohibited Uses in the UPD-15 District.


    Single-family dwellings as listed in Section 153.240(A) are permitted.


    All uses listed in Section 153.270(A) are permitted.


    All uses listed in Section 153.280(A) are permitted.


    Coin-operated dry cleaning business; dyeing and dry cleaning establishment; garage repair shop; gasoline filling stations; and automobile laundry are permitted.


    Two-family dwellings and all uses listed in Section 153.245(A) are prohibited.


    Development conditions.


    The building line on Romig shall be fifty feet. The building line on Harlem Road shall be twenty-five feet.


    The first fifteen feet of the building line areas shall be reserved for a landscaping area. The landscaping therein shall be in accordance with the "Akron Developers Guide" and be approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development. This condition shall apply to development, modification or expansion permitted under subsections (A)(2), (3), and (4) of this section.


    All grading of this UPD shall be considered as special grading areas, as defined in Section 193.106(A)(7) of the Building Code, and shall comply with all requirements of Chapter 193 pertaining to such areas. Special attention is called to the location of a sixty-foot wide gas line easement within this UPD and the fact that the UPD is located in two watersheds.


    All uses permitted under subsection (A)(1) of this section shall be developed, modified or expanded as if the area were zoned U1, H1, A1, except as herein provided.


    All uses permitted under subsection (A)(2) of this section shall be developed, modified, or expanded as if the area were zoned ULB H2, A2, with the exception that side yards shall be twelve feet.


    All uses permitted under subsections (A)(3) of this section shall be developed, modified, or expanded as if the area were zoned U3, H2, A2, and shall comply with the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Sections 153.285 et seq., except as herein provided.


    All uses permitted under subsection (A)(4) of this section shall be developed, modified, or expanded as if the area were zoned U4, H2, A2, and shall comply with the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Sections 153.300 et seq., except as herein provided. In addition, an automobile laundry shall provide a holding space area for twenty automobiles on the individual development site.


    All on-premises signs shall conform to the article on On-Premises Exterior Signs at Sections 153.345 et seq.


    Pursuant to any development in this UPD, the issuance of any permit for the use of explosives shall be subject to the following provisions:


    All blasting shall take place between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Special permission from the Fire Prevention Bureau Chief shall be required for blasting to take place at any other times.


    Two seismographs shall be set up and monitored at appropriate locations to be determined by the Fire Prevention Chief during all blasting operations.


    The intensity of all blasts shall not exceed the standard of one foot per second as measured by the above described seismographs.


    Geologic analysis shall be made by an appropriate authority in those areas affected in order to assure compliance with a maximum intensity blast of one foot per second. This analysis shall be provided before any blasting is permitted.


    The above requirements are in addition to the requirements of Section 190.428 of the Building Code.


    Developers shall be expected to comply with Sections 98.21(A)(1) and (B) except that the lateral location may be varied and the time of installation of sidewalks may be extended by the Director of Public Service.


    In the event that a sanitary sewage pump station and force main is required to serve any portion of this UPD, these facilities shall be designed and installed to accommodate the estimated contribution of UPD-18 and the U4, H1, A2 District classification approved by Ordinance 897-1965. The design and installation shall be approved by the Sewer Engineer who shall prorate the cost of the installation among the contributing property owners, who shall be required to pay their pro rata share of the cost of the pump station and appurtenances.


    Any new development of a building site located within the Mud Run Drainage Area for the uses permitted under subsections (A)(2), (3) and (4) of this section, shall include the payment of a fee into the Mud Run Drainage Basin Assistance Fund, as established by Ordinance 636-1975. This fee shall be paid at the rate of one thousand one hundred fifty-eight dollars per acre of land so developed and the fee shall be paid into such fund prior to the issuance of any building permit.


    The owners and developers of land fronting on Romig Road are placed on notice that the median strip on Romig Road is permanent and will not be cut or opened, except at the points located and fixed in the construction of Romig Road. Therefore, right turns in and out only will be available for any development on any property that is not located opposite the existing openings in the median. All new, expanded, or modified development permitted under subsections (A)(2), (3), and (4) of this section shall provide on-site provisions, including construction of a driveway, to permit vehicular access across the development to be used in common with their neighbors to the north and south to reach one of these fixed openings in the median. This access route and construction, as well as all driveway cuts, shall be approved by the Traffic Engineer. The provisions for the access route shall be a covenant running with the land in any conveyance.


    The development conditions provided herein are in addition to all other provisions of this chapter and in no way vary or waive those provisions except as specifically stated. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.135; Ord. 107-1987; Ord. 593-1976)