§ 153.552. Class UPD-24 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    That the sewers be provided for the UPD area prior to any construction and that these sewers be subject to the approval of the Sewer Engineer and the Ohio EPA.


    That the west side of Scenic Way, adjacent to the petitioner's property, be dedicated should the Service Director determine it necessary.


    That the following uses be permitted within the UPD:

    Wholesale businesses
    Garage businesses
    Garage repair shops
    Body and Fender repair shops
    Print shops
    Office buildings
    Machine shops or light manufacturing business other than a U5 or U6 use



    That no outside storage of materials be permitted.


    That no residential or retail uses be permitted.


    That the development conditions be as listed in Sections 153.300 through 153.310 with the exception that no less than a ten-foot building line for parking be provided on Midway Avenue and that particular attention be given for the method of buffering for the residential properties to the north and south. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.144; Ord. 107-1987; Ord. 502-1979)