§ 153.570. Class UPD-36 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted and prohibited uses in UPD-36 are subdivided as follows:


    All uses permitted in Section 153.290(A) (Ordinary Industry Use District) except a dog pound.


    All uses permitted in Section 153.285(A) (Commercial Use District) except the following:


    Section 153.285(A)(6).


    Section 153.285(A)(8)—no Limited Business or Retail uses except the following shall be permitted: laboratory, research facility, data processor center, and commercial school or college.


    No other uses shall be permitted in the UPD-36 District.


    Accessory Uses. Accessory uses in UPD-36 shall be permitted if said use is customarily incident to a Class UPD-36 Use except that a Class U1, U2, or U6 or a Prohibited Use shall not be permitted as an accessory use in a Class UPD-36 District.


    Development Conditions.


    All new commercial and industrial construction and additions shall comply with the "Akron Development Guide" and Section 153.310.


    All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from view by a solid wall or fence or landscaping at least six feet in height. Such fencing and screening material shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    The height of any structure in a Class UPD-36 District shall not exceed fifty feet.


    All sides of the buildings fronting on public streets shall be faced with brick, stone, split rock, decorative block, or other similar approved facing material. Construction materials for exterior surfaces shall be subject to the approval of the Planning staff.


    All new public utility lines (gas, electric, telephone, and the like) shall be installed underground and their locations suitably marked for safety.


    All signs in the Class UPD-36 District shall comply with Sections 153.345 through 153.380.


    The grading and drainage of the off-street parking areas or any surface change incident to the approved development shall meet the requirements of Sections 193.101 through 193.114 and any other sections of the Code of Ordinances applicable to such changes.


    Building lines in a Class UPD-36 District shall conform to Section 153.330(D).


    Easements shall be given to the City or public utility companies where required and these easements shall be granted to the satisfaction of the necessary departments or utilities, and these easements shall be given at no cost to the city.


    The zoning map as established in Section 153.220, insofar as the same establishes the existing U5, H2, A2 District Classification within the territory described in Ordinance 190-1987 section 1, and to that extend only, is hereby repealed. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.156; Ord. 190-1987)