§ 153.587. Class UPD-45 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted Uses in the UPD-45 District.


    All uses permitted in Section 153.285(A)(1) through (7), Commercial, except a kennel;


    Research center or laboratory, call center.


    Prohibited Uses in the UPD-45 District.


    No other uses shall be permitted in the UPD-45 District.


    Accessory uses in the UPD-45 shall be permitted if the accessory use is customarily incident to a Class UPD-45 use, except that a Class U1, U2, U3, U5 or U6 or a prohibited use shall not be permitted as an accessory use in a Class UPD-45 District.


    Development Conditions.


    All uses shall conform to the development standards as established in the subchapter on Development and Area District Requirements at Section 153.310, and the article on On-Premises Exterior Signs at Section 153.345 et seq. of the Akron Zoning Code except when other standards are noted herein.


    All uses shall not be offensive by reason of emission of noxious fumes, smoke, dust, or noise.


    All manufacturing, processing, crating, and uncrating service and repair operations shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.


    There shall be no outside storage or display of material, supplies, equipment, and/or product.


    The height of any structure shall adhere to the H4 Height District Classification (one hundred five feet).


    All sides of new buildings facing public streets shall be clad with brick, stone, split face block, or other similar facing material approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development. All remaining sides shall be faced with brick, stone, split face block, or similar approved facing material to a minimum height of eight feet above ground.


    Notwithstanding the provisions of Sections 153.390 et seq., Article 10, "Nonconformities," when any property/building or portion of property/building in the UPD-45 area is transformed from a retail use (high intensity parking use) to a UPD-45 use (low intensity parking use), a proportional share of the parking area shall be removed and replaced with landscaping. This proportion will be based upon the difference between the amount of parking required in Section 153.310 of the Zoning Code for the size and type of UPD-45 use to be established and the amount of parking required in Section 153.310 of the Zoning Code for the size and type of retail use to be eliminated. The purpose of the landscaping is to aesthetically enhance the vast parking areas while decreasing demand upon the City's storm water system. Prior to the issuance of any permit related to a use enumerated in subsection A of this section, a detailed landscape-planting plan shall be submitted for review and approval by the Department of Planning and Urban Development, and a Performance Bond shall be placed with the Department of Planning and Urban Development at one hundred percent of the estimated cost of the landscaping.


    There shall be a one hundred feet building line on the south side of Rockcliff Drive, extending from the corporation line east to Marietta Avenue.

(Ord. 466-2006)