§ 153.260. Permitted accessory uses.  

Latest version.
  • Accessory uses and structures are permitted in residence districts as follows:


    An accessory use customarily incident to a Class U1, U2, UD, or UHD use shall also be permitted in, respectively, a Class U1, U2, UD, or UHD District, provided such use is not detrimental to the welfare or harmonious character of the neighborhood. Such accessory use may be in addition to those accessory uses which may be enumerated under the subdivision of use sections of such classes.


    Any person carrying on a home occupation may do so in the dwelling or apartment occupied by him as a private residence.


    Roomers shall be permitted as an accessory use provided the total number of persons, including roomers, inhabiting a dwelling unit does not exceed five.


    A child day care home for six or fewer children in a twenty-four-hour period shall be permitted as an accessory use in a Class U1 District classification.


    Accessory structures shall be subject to the following conditions:


    A building and any accessory structure erected on the same lot shall, for the purposes of this chapter, be considered a single building;


    An accessory structure in the rear yard shall not be erected nearer than three feet to a lot line regardless of the type of construction to provide fire separation consistent with the building code. An accessory structure in the side yard shall comply with Section 153.305 (D)(1). An accessory structure shall be at least six feet from any structure with its nearest point consistent with the Building Code;


    A private garage, permitted as an accessory use, whether as a separate structure or as part of the principal building:


    Shall not provide storage for more than one vehicle for each one thousand five hundred square feet of the area of the lot in a Class U1 District or for each one thousand square feet in a Class U2 District, and


    Shall provide a building line between the garage entrance and the street line of at least twenty feet.


    An accessory structure shall not be over fifteen feet in height at its peak;


    The maximum floor area of an accessory structure on a residentially zoned lot shall not exceed the following:

    Lot Area
    (sq. ft.)
    Maximum Floor Area
    of an accessory
    (sq. ft)
    576 (24′ × 24′)
    672 (24′ × 28′)
    900 (24′ × 36′)



    The maximum combined floor area of all accessory structures on a residentially zoned lot shall not exceed forty percent of the rear yard area.

(Prior code § 153.265; Ord. 193-1999; Ord. 413-1998; Ord. 479-1994; Ord. 739-1987; Ord. 511-1982; Ord. 101-1982; Ord. 953-1978; Ord. 322-1976)