§ 153.275. Government districts—Class UG.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Subdivision of Uses. Class UG Uses (Government) are subdivided and permitted as follows:


    Governmentally owned facilities such as a general office, court facility, jail, workhouse, police station, fire station, armory, airport, food service, heliport, helistop, motor vehicle garage, maintenance depot, library, post office, water treatment facility, pollution control station, water distribution facility, pumping station, liquor store, land utilized for open space, park, playground, public recreation building, home for the aged, or any other similar facility;


    School; museum; community center building; memorial building; railroad right-of-way; and


    Office or facility owned or used for a quasi-public social, charitable, or service activity.


    Accessory Uses. An accessory use customarily incident to a Class UG Use shall be permitted in a Class UG District.


    Height Requirements. Height regulations in Class UG Districts shall be as provided in the article on Height Districts at Section 153.335 et seq.


    Development Requirements. Area regulations, yards, parking, and other development requirements in Class UG Districts shall be as provided in the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Section 153.300 et seq.


    Sign Requirements. Regulations for on-premises exterior signs in Class UG Districts shall be as provided in the article on On-Premises Exterior Signs at Section 153.345 et seq.


    Permitted and Prohibited Uses. Within a Class UG District, no structure or premises shall be used and no structure shall be erected to be used, for other than a Class UG Use. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.106; Ord. 322-1976)