§ 153.295. Heavy industry districts—Class U6.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Subdivision of Uses. Class U6 Uses (Heavy Industry) are subdivided and permitted as follows:


    Pulp and plaster manufacture, emery cloth, and sandpaper manufacture;


    Ammonia bleaching powder, sulfuric acid, or other chemical plants emitting corrosive or toxic fumes carrying beyond the premises, other than uses included in the prohibited use class; wood distillation, including manufacture of charcoal, tar, turpentine, and other byproducts; coal distillation, including byproducts manufacture; outside and warehouse storage of scrap rubber; rubber reclaiming; creosote manufacture or treatment; gas manufacture from coal or petroleum or storage thereof; carbon or lampblack manufacture; petroleum storage (in quantities greater than tank car lots; tar distillation; tar roofing and tar water-proofing manufacture; manufacture of disinfectant, insecticide, or dyestuff;


    Locomotive manufacture; railway car manufacture; boiler works; reducing or refining aluminum, copper, tin, or zinc; steel furnace; blast furnace or works; blooming or rolling mill; power forge; pipe works; wire or rod mill; coke ovens;


    Pickles, vinegar, or sauerkraut manufacture; cider mill; fish packing or storage; tobacco (chewing) manufacture; and


    All uses permitted under Section 153.290(A)(1) through (14).


    Accessory Uses. An accessory use customarily incident to a Class U6 Use shall also be permitted, provided, however, that a prohibited use shall not be permitted as an accessory use in a Class U6 District.


    Height Requirements. Height regulations in Class U6 districts shall be as provided in the article on Height Districts at Section 153.335 et seq.


    Development Requirements. Area regulations, yards, parking, and other development requirements in Class U6 Districts shall be as provided in the article on Development and Area District Requirements at Section 153.300 et seq.


    Sign Requirements. Regulations for on-premises exterior signs in Class U6 Districts shall be as provided in the article on On-Premises Exterior Signs at Section 153.345 et seq.


    Restriction of Uses. Within a Class U6 District, no structure or premises shall be used, and no structure shall be erected to be used, for other than a U6 Use. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.110; Ord. 821-1981; Ord. 522-1981; Ord. 322-1976)