§ 153.300. General provisions.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Development and Area District Requirements For All Uses. Except as hereinafter provided in this chapter, every structure used in whole or in part shall be located in a use district in which such use is permitted and shall conform with the requirements listed in this Zoning Code. No lot area shall be so reduced or diminished in area that the yards and open spaces shall be smaller than prescribed in this Zoning Code. No use shall provide less than the minimum requirements specified in this Zoning Code.


    Building Sites. No permit shall be issued for the erection of a building or any accessory structure or accessory use under or on any lot, unless the lot is included in one of the following classifications as evidenced by a recorded deed (with the exceptions noted below) presented at the time of the request for the permit:


    Lots in recorded allotments which are provided, with, or which, under bond, will be provided with, both City water and sanitary sewer facilities, unless since April 30, 1959, the Planning Commission has approved the allotment without requiring sanitary sewers;


    Lots for which the deeds have not been recorded but which have been approved by the Planning Commission and are acceptable for recording under the applicable provisions of O.R.C. Chapter 711;


    Lots in residence districts of an area of one acre or more and having frontage on a public street;


    Lots in business or industry districts having an area of five acres or more;


    Lots smaller than one acre that are of record in the County Recorder's office. Such lots shall have frontage on a public or private thoroughfare with accessible public water and public or private sanitary sewer service. Private sanitary sewer systems must connect to public sanitary sewers.


    Yards. The area required in a yard or court at any given level shall be open from such level to the sky unobstructed, except as follows:


    The ordinary projection of eaves, soffits, fascias, windowsills, chimneys, air conditioners, and other similar devices may be permitted, but not to exceed twenty inches.


    A fire escape, stairway, or balcony may project not more than five feet into a side or rear yard, provided that it does not extend closer than four feet to a lot line.


    Exterior Lighting. No exterior lighting shall in any way impair safe movement of traffic on any street or highway or otherwise create a nuisance. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.285; Ord. 413-1998; Ord. 739-1987; Ord. 511-1982; Ord. 322-1976)