§ 153.335. Establishment of height districts.  

Latest version.
  • Height districts are established as follows:


    In a Class HA District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of the elevation by the City and the F.A.A. on a drawing identified as "Clear zone and approach zones, Akron Municipal Airport" on file with the City, except that chimneys, stacks, or other necessary appurtenances may extend above such height limit not more than two feet.


    In a Class H1 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of thirty-five feet, except that in the case of a church, school, library, hospital or public, or semipublic building such limit shall be fifty feet.


    In a Class H2 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of fifty feet.


    In a Class H3 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of seventy-five feet.


    In a Class H4 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of one hundred five feet.


    In a Class H5 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of one hundred thirty-six feet.


    In a Class H6 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of two hundred fifty feet.


    In a Class H7 District, no structure shall be erected to a height in excess of five hundred feet. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.275; Ord. 322-1976)