§ 153.365. Permitted signs.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    In addition to those signs permitted under Sections 153.350 through 153.360, the following signs are permitted:


    Federal, state, or municipal signs pertaining to the city, house numbers, or legal notices;


    Signs required by state or federal law or by this code of ordinances;


    Railroad crossing signs, or such temporary, emergency, nonadvertising signs as may be approved by the Superintendent of Building Inspection;


    Signs within the public right-of-way or on public property as approved under rules or regulations adopted by the Service Director;


    Private freestanding on premises traffic direction signs not exceeding three square feet in sign area for each sign, directing traffic movement into or from premises and horizontal directional signs on, below, or flush with paved areas on private property. The freestanding directional sign may contain a name or logo. This name or logo may not exceed twenty percent of the sign area;


    Two single-faced on-premises signs which convey information pertinent to the internal functions of the particular use. These signs shall be located no nearer the street or streets than the fronts of the building and located or screened so that they will not be legible from off the premises and not exceeding eighteen square feet in area each, nor more than six feet in height measured from adjacent grade;


    Tablets, such as the name of a building, date of erection, or use of the building, when built into the walls of the building and constructed of bronze, stone, or similar noncombustible material;


    Real estate signs, which are not electric signs and which are not more than six square feet in area in a residential district or twenty-five square feet in area in a commercial or business use district;


    On-premises window signs no larger than seventy-five percent of the window surface or fifteen square feet of total window signage, whichever is the larger area, unless otherwise restricted by this code of ordinances, or any sign, not a window sign, inside a building;


    Temporary displays of merchandise;


    Temporary, on-premises signs advertising the date, time, and location of a garage or yard sale and not exceeding four square feet in area. Such signs shall be posted no more than three days prior to and removed one day after the sale;


    Temporary political signs, provided the signs shall be displayed no sooner than forty-five days prior to an election and removed from public view within ten days following the election. In residence use districts, no such sign shall exceed thirty-two square feet in area;


    Temporary displays or decorations customarily associated with any national, state, local, or religious holiday or celebration;


    Signs being carried for the purpose of display by one or more persons;


    One temporary, noncommercial sign, not exceeding six square feet in area, on any parcel devoted to a residential use;


    "Electronic message centers" shall be permitted for gasoline service station pricing provided the display does not flash, rotate or have the appearance of moving and the size of the characters does not exceed fourteen inches in height. These electronic displays shall be permitted on freestanding signage only.


    Sign Placement.


    No sign permitted under this section shall be placed within five feet of any property line nor within twelve feet of the paved portion of the public right-of-way;


    No freestanding sign permitted under this section shall exceed forty-two inches in height, measured from grade at the sign, if placed in front of the established building line;


    No sign permitted under this section shall be permitted within the public right-of-way except as permitted under subsection (A)(4) of this section. Penalty, see § 153.199.

(Prior code § 153.310; Ord. 379-1993; Ord. 859-1992; Ord. 739-1987; Ord. 511-1977; Ord. 322-1976)