§ 34.26. Procedure for leasing City property.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Property of the City may be leased by the Director of Public Service when not immediately needed for any municipal purpose on such terms and conditions as Council, by a two-thirds vote of its members, approves and in such manner as Council approves.


    Property of the City which is under the administration of the Public Utilities Bureau of the Department of Public Service and which is not immediately needed for the operation of such Bureau or which provides housing accessible to Bureau facilities for employees of such Bureau, may be leased by the Director of Public Service for a term of one year or less, without the approval of Council. The Director shall submit to Council annually on April 1 of each year a list of the parcels of property he has leased for a term, together with the locations and rentals of each parcel and the names of the lessees at the time of such report.

(Ord. 135-1964)