§ 34.28. Charges for investigations for lease or sale of City land.  

Latest version.
  • A charge shall be made for the investigation of each request for the sale or lease of City land, excluding urban renewal property, as follows:


    A nonrefundable base fee of one hundred twenty-five dollars shall be paid by the petitioner for a sale, lease, or license to occupy City land, or any easements on City land, to reimburse the City for the cost of investigating the request.


    Assuming the Planning Commission gives conditional approval of the land sale, subject to City Council concurrence, the petitioner shall also prepay a non-refundable fee of one hundred fifty dollars as the cost of an appraisal which shall be made of the land that is under study to be sold. Such appraisal shall be made by one professional real estate appraiser selected by the city.


    City land may be sold to adjacent property owners on a negotiated basis at the market price as determined by the one qualified appraiser as referred to in subsection B of this section.


    City land may be sold on a competitive bid basis at no less than the market price as determined by one qualified appraiser as referred to in subsection B of this section.


    If the land is sold, it shall be priced at not less than the market value as determined by the appraisals referred to in subsections B, C, and D of this section.


    The Board of Control may award the sale of land to the bidder submitting the proposal which is most in keeping with the use and design objectives set forth by the Planning Commission and Council.


    The request for the sale of City land shall be processed the same as zoning changes insofar as it is done in cooperation with the Department of Planning and Urban Development on drafting a petition and processing the payment of fees.

(Ord. 683-1974; Ord. 455-1969; Ord. 82-1966)