§ 98.21. Building permits.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Before any building permit is issued to construct or erect a building, not including the construction or erection of an addition to an existing building, nor an accessory building to a residence, an agreement shall be executed with the City by the owner of the premises to be affected, which agreement shall provide for the performance of one or more of the following conditions as determined by the Director of Public Service:


    The installation of sidewalks to the established grade, where none exists;


    The repair of sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs, and pavement damaged during construction;


    The replacement of defective existing sidewalks; and


    The restoration of curbs, sidewalks, and the area between the curbs and the sidewalks, to the established grade at abandoned driveway locations.


    All work shall be done in accordance with standards as established by the Bureau of Engineering under the authority of the Director of Public Service. The above work shall be completed within twenty-four months following the date of the building permit. The Director of Public Service may waive the installation of new sidewalks if, in his sole discretion, such installation is impractical or undesirable because of topography or location.


    For the purpose of this section a sidewalk shall be considered defective for any of the following reasons:


    Any block having multiple cracks or any single crack larger than ¼-inch wide;


    Adjoining section of a block, or portion thereof, whose edges differ vertically by ¼-inch or more;


    Blocks having a transverse slope in excess of ¼-inch per horizontal foot toward the street;


    Blocks having a reverse slope (toward the property) that impounds water to a depth of ¼-inch or more;


    Blocks having depressions that impound water to a depth of ¼-inch or more; and


    Blocks having disintegrated or deteriorated areas; and


    Blocks that do not meet current requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA).

(Ord. 216-2003; Ord. 931-1970; Ord. 907-1969)