§ 152.16. Service building and accommodations.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Generally. Every trailer park shall have erected thereon, at a distance not greater than two hundred feet from every unit, a suitable heated building in which toilets, showers, and laundry facilities, as required by this chapter, shall be provided. Such facilities shall meet Building Code requirements.


    Separate Toilets Required. There shall be provided separate toilet rooms for each sex. Flush toilets provided with an adequate water supply shall be enclosed in separate compartments having a minimum width of three feet and shall be provided for each sex in the ratio of one toilet for each twelve units. Every toilet for male use shall have one urinal for each sixteen units or fraction thereof. Toilet rooms shall contain lavatories with hot and cold water in the ratio of one lavatory to every two or less flush toilets.


    Separate Bathing Required. Separate bathing facilities for each sex shall be provided with one shower enclosed in a compartment at least three and one-half feet square, for each eight trailers or fraction thereof. Each shower compartment shall be supplemented by an individual dressing compartment of at least twelve square feet.


    Floors of Toilets, Showers, and Laundry. Floors of toilet, shower, and laundry areas shall be of concrete, tile, or similar material impervious to water, easily cleaned, and pitched to a floor drain.


    Modifications. If ninety-five percent or more of the trailers in any trailer park are self-contained (such as having a water supply and sewage facilities in the trailer itself), then the fixtures required in subsection B of this section shall be deemed sufficient and satisfactory if the male toilet room has one flush toilet, one urinal, and one lavatory and the female toilet room has two flush toilets and one lavatory or, instead of one of the flush toilets, a urinal designed for female use.


    When ninety-five percent or more of the trailers in any park are self-contained, the fixtures required in subsection C of this section shall be deemed sufficient when provided with one shower compartment and one dressing compartment for each sex. Penalty, see § 152.99.

(Ord. 1035-1959)