§ 153.589. Class UPD-47 district.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Permitted Uses in the UPD-47 District:


    All uses listed in Section 153.240(A)(1), (2) and (3), Dwelling Districts, Class U1.


    All uses listed in Section 153.245(A)(1) and (3), Apartment House District, Class U2.


    Prohibited Uses in the UPD-47 District:


    No other uses other than those uses listed in subsection A of this section shall be permitted in the UPD-47 District.


    Accessory uses in the UPD-47 District shall conform to Article 6 of the City of Akron Zoning Code, Accessory Uses in a Residence Use District, Sections 153.260 et seq.


    Height District: The height district for UPD-47 shall be an H2 District. The maximum height of a primary structure in the UPD-47 District shall be fifty feet.


    Development Requirements: Area regulations, yards, parking, and other development requirements in the UPD-47 District shall be as provided in the Spicertown Urban Renewal Plan and in Article 6 of the City of Akron Zoning Code, Development and Area Requirements, Sections 153.300 et seq. When the provisions of this Zoning Code conflict with provisions of the Spicertown Urban Renewal Plan, the provisions of the Spicertown Urban Renewal Plan shall apply. Development standards and regulations more specific to the UPD-47 District are as follows:


    Density Permitted:


    The maximum density of single-family dwellings shall be three dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of two-family dwellings shall be six dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of townhouse apartment houses shall be nine dwelling units per acre.


    The maximum density of garden-type apartment houses shall be fifteen dwelling units per acre.


    Building Setback:


    Ten feet from public streets; eight feet from public pedestrian and utility right-of-ways.


    All other setbacks shall conform to Sections 153.320—153.330 of the City of Akron Zoning Code.


    Parking Facilities:


    Off-street parking for two vehicles shall be provided at the first level of each townhouse unit.


    The design, layout and access to off-street parking shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    All walkways, driveways, parking areas and service areas shall be hard surfaced and curbed to engineering specifications in accordance with paving specifications as described in the City of Akron Zoning Code, Appendix A.


    Outdoor Advertising Displays: No outdoor advertising display of any nature shall be placed, erected or located in the Spicertown Urban Renewal Area.


    On-Premises Exterior Signs: The following guidelines apply to all exterior signage in the Spicertown Urban Renewal Area:


    Signage shall be a permanent part of the overall building or landscape design; pole signs are prohibited.


    All signage materials shall be compatible with building materials and colors.


    Any new signs or replacement of existing signs shall be reviewed by the Urban Design and Historic Preservation Commission.


    Utilities: All new construction of private and public utilities shall be placed underground.


    Building Design: Construction of any new buildings within the Spicertown Urban Renewal Area shall be reviewed by the Urban Design and Historic Preservation Commission and receive the approval of the Akron City Planning Commission.


    Building Materials: Residential structures shall include masonry materials, including all masonry at the ground level. All materials shall be subject to approval by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    Positioning of Primary Buildings: Building service areas shall not be visible from public streets.


    On-Site Trash Storage: Exterior on-site refuse receptacles and dumpsters shall be screened by a solid wall enclosure(s) and such enclosure(s) shall be constructed of masonry matching the primary building and its location shall be subject to the approval of the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    Access: The Traffic Engineer shall approve vehicular ingress and egress to buildings and parking areas. To the maximum extent feasible common vehicular ingress and egress points should be provided for residential development.


    Exterior Lighting: All public exterior areas shall have lighting adequate for the intended use, but shall be of such a nature, and shall be sited and installed so as not to impair in any way the safe movement of traffic on any street or highway or so as not to intrude on the surrounding properties.


    Storm Water Management: The developer shall submit a storm water management plan to control the run-off, siltation and sedimentation during construction and to control the run-off after the development is completed. The plan is to be consistent with all the requirements of Sections 192.101—192.114 of the City of Akron Code of Ordinances and is to be subject to the approval of the Bureau of Engineering and submitted prior to the issuance of any building permits.


    Nonconforming structures and uses are subject to Sections 153.390 et seq. of the City of Akron Zoning Code.

(Ord. 417-2007)