§ 153.296. Biomedical use district—Class UB.  

Latest version.
  • A.

    Subdivision of Uses. Class UB Uses (Biomedical) are subdivided and permitted as follows:


    Agricultural uses;




    Biomedical educational and training institutions;


    Biomedical and pharmaceutical research and testing laboratories;


    Laboratory services;


    Biomedical product processing;


    Pharmaceuticals development and manufacture;


    Medical devices and equipment development and manufacture;


    University related research;


    Clinical trials facilities;


    Medical information technology;


    Biotech software development;


    All uses permitted in Section 153.245(A)(2) and (3) Apartment House District, Class U2;


    All uses listed in Section 153.270(A)(1) and (2), Limited Business District, Class ULB;


    All uses permitted in Section 153.280(A)(1-2); and hotel; motel; commercial school or college; public and semipublic buildings not specified in other classes or uses; theater; ambulance service;


    All uses permitted in Section 153.285(A)(1), (3), (4), (6) and (7) Commercial Use District, Class U4.


    Accessory Uses. An accessory use customarily incident to a Class UB use shall also be permitted, provided, however, that a prohibited use shall not be permitted as an accessory use in a Class UB District.


    Height Requirements. Height regulations in Class UB Districts shall be as provided in the article on height districts at Section 153.335 et seq.


    Development Requirements. All uses shall conform to the development requirements as established in the subchapter on development and area district requirements at Section 153.310 et seq., business and industry development requirements and the following requirements:


    All outdoor storage areas shall be screened from view by solid walls or solid fences or landscaping at least six feet in height. Such fencing and screening material shall be reviewed and approved by the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    Manufacturing, processing, crating and uncrating service and repair operations shall be conducted within completely enclosed buildings.


    All sides of the building fronting on public streets shall be faced with brick, stone, or split-face block or in combination with other approved facing material. All remaining sides shall be faced with brick, stone, split-face block or other similar approved facing material to a minimum height of eight feet above ground. Exterior sidewalls may be of another material if a building expansion is planned and provided for. In that event, the permanent walls after construction shall conform to this section. Construction materials of exterior surfaces are subject to the approval of the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    All private utility lines shall be installed underground and suitably marked for safety.


    Parking location. Off-street parking of motor vehicles shall extend no closer to the street line than 15 feet. The majority of parking spaces required for the use are to be located at the side or rear of the structure, behind the building line. The area between the parking area and the street line shall be landscaped according to standards found in the "Akron Development Guide." Plans for this landscaping shall require the approval of the Department of Planning and Urban Development.


    Billboards shall be prohibited.

    When stricter standards are required by other provisions of this Zoning Code, the stricter standard shall apply.


    Sign Requirements. Regulations for on-premises exterior signs in Class UB Districts shall be permitted in a Class U3 or U4 district as provided in the article on on-premises exterior signs at Section 153.345 et seq.


    Restriction of Uses. Within a Class UB District, no structure or premises shall be used, and no structure shall be erected to be used, for other than a UB Use. Penalty, see § 153.99.

(Ord. No. 47-2010; Ord. 248-2018)